Will you give me some advice? I recently got porcelain veneers. I wanted them very white but did not think about how different the color would be from my natural teeth. When I smile, it is very obvious there are two different colored teeth. Could I use Crest Whitestrips to whiten the non-veneered teeth? Will it damage my porcelain veneers?
Dear Brooke,

Teeth whitening trays
I’m surprised your dentist did not advise you to have some teeth whitening done before getting your porcelain veneers. It is pretty standard procedure when someone is planning on getting veneers that are a different shade than their natural teeth, but are not getting enough veneers to cover all their visible teeth when they smile. This is usually between eight and ten veneers. You did not mention how many you had placed, but I am guessing it was less than that.
While Crest Whitestrips will not damage your porcelain veneers, there will be some difficulties in using them. First, they are only designed to cover the front six teeth you have. In all likelihood, all or most of those teeth are now veneered. That means the bleaching gel won’t reach the teeth you actually need to be whitened. Additionally, the gel is so weak that it will take an extended amount of time to get them to match your veneers. It is possible that you could cut the strips so that they can be placed on just the teeth you need them, but that is a lot of trouble to go through for weak results.
I am going to suggest you have your dentist make you custom bleaching trays for you to whiten your teeth. He or she can even make them where they go around any teeth that have veneers on them. This will focus the whitening gel on your natural teeth.
This blog is brought to you by East Cobb Dentist Dr. Cristi Cheek.